18 januar 2009


In the latest edition of Apollon, the University if Oslo journal, excited Norwegian archeologists proclaim that they have found what appear to be remnants of an Illyrian port, Desilo. The port is an ancient trading post, and believed to be almost two thousand years old. I’m not normally all that interested in archeology, but this stirred a certain enthusiasm. At the moment I’m working on Twelfth Night with some of my pupils, and as we all know, this Shakespearean farce is set on the Illyrian shores. When I was at uni we were told that in W.H.’s days, Illyria was a name used for this far off fantasy land, in the same league as Atlantis, and so I could not help but being very excited indeed when Illyria appears to be found on the border between Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina.

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